Tue, Aug 27 2024

Start Something Today!

Hey there, friend.

You know that tingle of excitement when starting something new, right? It's electric! But it can also feel like staring up at a mountain. So how do you climb a mountain? Step by step.

Today, I decided to walk the talk and kick off this daily newsletter. I’ll be honest - I procrastinated for ages. The idea of starting a newsletter excited me, but I kept overthinking: What should I write about? How often should I post? Do I even have it in me?

Eventually, I realized I didn't need all the answers. I just needed to start. One day, one thought at a time.

Why daily? Because daily habits are easier to build and they compound faster.

So who is this for? The Grindster Daily Bites is for first-time founders who've made the leap from freelancing to business ownership. It's a daily boost to keep you grounded and moving forward with actionable insights and resources - all in less than 3 minutes a day.

For now, we'll explore three main themes (which may evolve over time):

  • Founder's Leap: Shifting your mindset from freelancer to founder.
  • Mindful Grind: Balancing productivity and well-being.
  • Early Wins: Small victories that build confidence and momentum.

So, take a moment to breathe and look around.

What’s one small step you'll take today to set up a better tomorrow?

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