Sun, Sep 1 2024

3 Things to Do, 100 to Avoid

Image this… You’re standing in front of a massive wall covered with hundreds of doors, just like in the “Dark Matter” TV series. Some of these doors lead to success, while others open up to distractions, detours, and dead ends.

The catch? You only have the time and resources to open three.

You need a STRATEGY.

It’s not just about choosing the three right doors; it’s about knowing which of the 100 others you should avoid. The difference between progress and stagnation often lies in the things you decide NOT to do.

When Steve Jobs returned to Apple in ‘97, the company was struggling. They had too many products, too many projects, and too many distractions.

The first thing he did was to cut down the entire product lineup to a few core products that redefined Apple’s future. By saying “no” to almost everything, he was able to focus on a few things that made the company we know today.

Strategy is about knowing three things you need to do and a hundred things you must avoid. It’s clarity - knowing what truly matters and harnessing the discipline to avoid everything else.

In our days of information overload, it’s easy to get caught up in the allure of possibilities. You know…the FOMO, the new hype, the next shiny toy.

I still struggle with this myself.

But real growth comes from narrowing your focus to what will have the greatest impact.

So, what are the three things that will move the needle for you the most?

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