Tue, Sep 3 2024

From Linear to Exponential

Imagine this…

You’re pushing a boulder up a hill. Every step feels heavy. Every inch forward is a struggle.

You’re like Sisyphus from the Greek mythology.

At the start of any journey—building a business, mastering a skill, or developing a habit—progress feels painfully slow. The results are small, barely noticeable. It’s frustrating.

But the magic happens when you refuse to give up. You hit a tipping point by showing up consistently, even when it’s hard. What once felt impossible suddenly becomes inevitable.

Most people tend to quit right before this moment when things feel stagnant. They stop pushing just before the boulder reaches the crest.

But those who keep going? They witness something remarkable—momentum takes over.

This is the shift from linear to exponential.

The effort compounds and growth becomes exponential.

It’s not about pushing harder; it’s about pushing long enough to let momentum do its part.

So, how do you know when you’re just inches away from that tipping point?

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